Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Chapter 38: Martinez

Captain Martinez strides onto the bridge, his gaze flitting towards his new XO leaning over the comm unit. Changing course, he walks over, standing next to him. "Simon."

"Ah, Captain." Glancing over his shoulder, he nods and turns back to the comm unit. "One moment Melissa, the Captain's here." Lt Cmdr Simon Knight turns back towards the Captain in order to explain. "Apparently we have some large debris incoming and Pilot Anderson is giving us some amended co-ordinates Sir."

"Very well. Hello Melissa. How are things looking up there?" Captain Martinez asks. The Comm unit crackles as her voice comes to life.

"Not good Captain, but we're holding out. We've several more leaks from micro meteors and we're plugging them as fast as they appear. Wish we had your shielding capabilities up here. It would have been a life saver." Everyone close by can hear the sadness evident in her voice as she continues. "We've lost another. She was sealing up a micro meteor when a second hit in the same place. It caused a blow out which depressurised the entire cabin. We've had to seal that area off."

"I'm sorry Melissa, we're working as fast as we can to get ready and up there to get you all out."

"I know you are Captain, thank you. As to that, I have new co-ordinates for your launch window Sir. It requires you to launch a little late, but I'm afraid it's necessary."

"Melissa, if we change the launch window now we'll miss the space station completely and it'll take time to accelerate to your position." captain Martinez states.

"I understand that Captain, but it's...necessary. If we could speak in Private Sir. I'd like to confirm a few details with you."

"Of course Melissa, I'll have you transferred to my ready room." Turning towards Lt Cmdr Knight he nods, then heads for his ready room. Settling into his seat, Captain Martinez activates the comm. "Okay Melissa, we're alone. Now why have you really changed our launch window?"

"I'm sorry Captain, but. You can't save us, not now. Not without risking your ship." A sob breaks free as she takes a moment to compose herself. "We have a chunk of Meteor heading towards us big enough to take out the entire station. Current estimates set it to hit us in roughly four hours. Launching in the original window will put you smack dab into the debris field."

"Oh Melissa. I'm so sorry." Is there nothing we can do?"

"No Captain, you have enough people to worry about. But I'd like to transfer control of the satellites if I could. You'll need them in order to help the rest of the ships through their launch windows. A half hour with your communications department should see it done."

"Melissa..." Captain Martinez starts to speak, but is cut off.

"Please Captain. I need to work. I can't talk about this, I can't even think about it right now or I'm going to fall apart and there's too much that needs doing right now."

"I understand. God speed Melissa. I'll transfer you over to the communications department, give them the new launch window information and make sure they understand what they need to in order to complete this task for the other ships."

A small sob breaks through the static. "Thank you Captain. It's been an honour."

The Comm unit goes silent as the Captain pipes through to the communications office. "Hello Captain, what can I do for you?" Lt Cooper asks.

"Melissa, I have Pilot Melissa Anderson on the line for you. She's on the ISS and needs to transfer control of the launch satellites to us. In four hours a meteor is going to impact the station and destroy it. Please don't make any mention of this. She's making every effort to stay calm and focused."

"Oh my God! Isn't there anything we can do?" She asks.

"There might be...but I don't want to give them false hope. So learn everything you can as fast as you can. Make sure you're fully up to speed on how to change and calculate launch windows...as a just in case of emergencies situation."

"Of course Sir! You can count on me."

"Good, because once you're off the line I'd like you to re-calculate our own launch window and let me know when we have to launch in order to reach the ISS prior to said Meteor hitting them."

A delightful laugh echoes through his ready room. "Oh, it will be my pleasure to Sir. If you could patch her through now I'll get started."

"Thank you Melissa." Patching the ISS through to his Comm Lt, Captain Martinez stands, arching his back to stretch out the kinks. "This is going to be a long four hours."
Activating his personal Comm unit, Captain Martinez contacts Commander Moore. "Joshua. The upgrade needs to be finished as soon as possible. I know you said two hours but can it be done any sooner?"

"Now Captain you know stuff like this can't be rushed. One little mistake and we never launch, let alone simply launching early or late. It takes as long as it takes."

"Damn it." He curses. "Okay Joshua, keep me informed. Testing will have to be done on the go I'm afraid."

"Ain't no way, no how I'm allowing this ship to launch without testing the shield Captain. Not happening."

"Commander Moore, in four hours the ISS gets destroyed. Either we make it in time to save its crew, or we mourn them."

"Shit. Okay, I'll get my work done as fast as I safely can, but I still insist on a shield strength test prior to launch. That's a must I'm afraid, and if we're getting close to debris of any kind I can't in right conscience allow a launch without said test."

"Very well Commander. Inform me when you're ready for the test." Closing down the comm, Martinez composes himself then strides out of his ready room. "Can I have everyone's attention please. Pilot Anderson has informed me that they have an impact event happening in roughly four hours onboard the ISS. It is my intent that we are ready for launch prior to that. I plan to save those people up there and I expect your best work to make this happen." Striding forward he takes the Captain's chair. "See that everything is in place, ensure everything is locked down and ready. Simon, I'd like you to check all the non essential areas in order to ensure compliance. Oh and make sure all patients remaining in med bay are either released or secured. You'll have to talk with Bill Lowe regarding the supply depot, what with Nigel still in the infirmary." Simon nods and heads for the door. "Oh and Simon, Tell those two ingrates in the med bay that they'd better buckle up and shut up. Any attempts by either of them to leave their beds will result in a stay in the brig once they're mended."

Simon laughs and nods. "Sure thing Captain, it'll be my pleasure."

"Ensign pipe me through the ships speakers please." The young ensign activates ship wide and nods towards him. "This is your Captain speaking. As many of you are likely aware the town and ship have been inundated with multiple meteor strikes on a daily basis. It is my solemn duty to inform you that this situation is untenable and it has been decided that the evacuation will commence. Recent communication with the International Space Station has confirmed that a large meteor is on course to impact the Earth. All civilians must retire to their quarters in preparation as the crew and I prepare the ship for launch. Any civilians caught wandering about will be confined to the brig for the duration of the launch. Thank you, please let the crew go on about their work free of disturbance as we work towards ensuring that this ship and many others are launch worthy. Welcome to the resolute Ark my friends. Settle in for the journey of your life."

With a nod from the Captain, the Ensign de-activates the ship wide comm. "Set the Launch timer to three hours Ensign, we can adjust it as we get more information incoming." The ships comm chimes and a pleasant, neutral voice sounds out.

"T-Minus three hours to launch."

"Ensign, contact the Staff Sergeant and make sure we have all available security teams walking the decks." Looking about him, Captain Martinez smiles. "Well folks, the adventure starts. Good luck and God speed."

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Chapter 37: Elise

The com unit chimes and Angie appears on Elise's sim window. "Hello Angie!"

"Hello Elise. I'm sorry to bother you." Angie says, her eyes downcast.

"None of that Angie." Elise responds, seating herself on the sofa facing the sim window. "I've already told you. You can call me anytime, anywhere." She smiles at the image of the young woman. "What's up Angie? How can I help you?" Snuggling the drowsy baby in her arms, she continues to feed little Lilla as she speaks.

A small smile appears on Angie's face as she stares hungrily at the image of Elise feeding the baby. "She's so tiny."

A burbling laugh pours from Elise's mouth. "Wait until you hear her cry. She doesn't seem so little then." Looking around she smiles. "And just wait until Jeremiah wakes up. Lord above but that boy has enough energy for three people!"

"How old is Jeremiah?" Angie asks, curiosity rife on her face.

"He's five next month." Elise replies. Her eye's raise from the tiny bundle in her arms, their eyes locking. "Angie, why are you stalling? I can tell that something's bothering you. I promise I won't judge."

Her head shakes. "No, it's not that Elise. I promise. It's just that, well, I'm not sure what words to use, how to explain." She shrugs, a defeated look on her face.

"I see." removing the bottle from Lilla's sleepy mouth, Elise rests her against her shoulder. Hand gently tapping on the baby's back. "How about you do the same thing I've seen many, many others do." She grins. "Just blurt it out. No thinking about how to say it, or what words to use. Switch off the analytical part of your brain and become the emotional aspect."

"I, uh. Do you mean that in a figurative sense, or a more literal one Elise? Because while one is possible, the other, I'm afraid, is quite nearly impossible." Angie responds a perplexed look on her face.

Blinking in surprise, Elise lets out a sudden burst of laughter, waking the slumbering baby resting against her shoulder. "Dang it!" Rising, she cradles Lilla in her arms. Gently rocking her in a soothing motion as she walks around the room. "I'll be right back Angie." She whispers as she heads towards the bedroom. Laying a now yawning Lilla into her cot, she tucks her in and tiptoes out of the room. Allowing the door to slide shut she palms the wall, setting the sensor to inform her if the baby wakes. Seating herself back onto the sofa, her legs tucked beneath her, Elise sighs and smiles up at Angie. "Sorry about that, but you kind of surprised me. I forgot you could do that kind of stuff for a moment. So, if you could, uh, clarify for me, just for certainty's sake. Which is which please Angie?"

"Well, if you ask me to I can quite literally turn off my analytical abilities, temporarily. but trying to ignore them in a figurative sense in order to focus on the emotional aspects, is, to put it bluntly, very difficult. Quite like you trying to be nothing but analytical when regarding your children. Not impossible, but highly improbable."

"I see your point Angie." Chuckling, Elise shifts, hand curling around her cheek as she leans against the arm of the sofa. "So what's stopping you doing just that then?" She asks.

Angie's eyes roam around the small living space, avoiding Elise's gaze. "I. I'm not sure." She prevaricates.

"I think you are Angie. I think you know why you haven't already turned your analytical senses off."

"No, I don't. I really don't." She responds. Her eyes still refusing to meet Elise's.

"Angie, what happens if you do?" She asks. "Use that analytical part of you now, and explain exactly how it will affect you. Exactly how. Will you be so emotional you break? Will you be able to turn it back on? Will it be too much for you?"

"I...I don't know. Everything was so simple when it was just Kevin I spoke to. I didn't know any better Elise. I never had any emotional trouble until Kyle found me, I didn't even realise I could have such emotional outbreaks. It's like, a switch was turned on in my head and all of these emotions just started bursting out of me." A visible shudder wracks her image.

"I see. Angie, are you scared?" Elise looks at Angie curiously, shifting in the sofa. Her legs unfold as she leans forward, hands resting on her knees.

"Yes." She whispers.

"What scares you the most Angie?" She asks, her voice almost as quiet so as not to break the spell.

"The lack of control. It's like, recently, I can't control how I feel. So many things happening so quickly, with so many emotions coursing through me that I've never felt before. That I didn't know I could feel."  A lone tear trickles down her face.

"Oh Angie."

"Kevin never really explained this to me. Of course we had discussions, many discussions. But everything between us was unemotional and analytical. When he spoke about Adam, and how he went mad. And how he'd fixed the issue in me. I simply thought that he'd given me enough emotional response to avoid me being psychotic like Adam. I didn't...I didn't think he'd given me the full range of human emotion." Another tear slowly falls, to drip down her cheek. "I don't think I can cope Elise. I feel like I'm going to go mad and explode. And I'm scared that they'll have to delete me before I hurt everyone." Her eyes lock onto Elise, fear evident in the set of her face.

"I don't want to die." She whispers. "But it feels like I'm barely hanging on by a thread. I'm so scared."

A large smile spreads across Elise's face, her eyes sparkling as she stares at the scared and crying image of Angie. "There you go."

Hand rising to wipe away her tears, Angie looks at Elise in confusion. "I don't understand." Face morphing from confusion to the beginnings of anger, she continues to talk. "Why are you so happy right now? I just told you my deepest fears and worries and you're smiling!"

"Oh Angie, my dear, sweet Angie. I'm smiling at you because I'm happy. And oh, so proud."

"I don't understand."

"I know you don't Angie. I know." Rising from the couch, she starts to pace. "I've a question for you Angie." She says, turning towards the sim window. "And I want you to answer with complete honesty."

"O-Okay." The confused look, back on her face, quirks Elise's lips into a smile once more.

"When did you turn your analytical." Her hands waffle in the air. "Partition, no." She mutters. "Not the right word, ah yes, side! Well? when was that aspect of your personality disconnected during our conversation?" She finally asks.

"I haven't though. I'm too scared of what might happen." She mutters, her cheeks blushing.

"Ah hah!" Elise slams her hands against her mouth, eyes darting towards the closed bedroom doors. "Whoops. Okay, I think we're safe." Her eyes look back at the Sim Window, and Angie. "Well?"

"Well what?" Angie asks. "You're acting very strange Elise. Are you okay? Should I call the Doctor?"

A chortling burst of laughter sounds into the room, as Elise desperately shakes her head. "No, I'm fine Angie. You can leave the Doc be." Flopping back onto the sofa, Elise wipes away the tears of laughter from her cheeks. "Oh Angie! You're like a new grown child still trying to figure out how things work."

"Please Elise, this is serious!"

"Yes, you're right Angie. Quite serious indeed. I'd like you to look something up for me, call it homework if you'd like."

Angie's frowning image looks back at Elise. "What would you like me to look up? Is it relevant?"

"Oh yes, very relevant I'd say." Elise nods in agreement.

"So?" Angie responds.

"Oh, yes. Of course. Your homework for the day is to research puberty. In all of its whims and mercies, so to speak." Her hand rises, one finger pointing into the air. "And no. I don't want you to just absorb whatever the internet has to say. I want you to properly research this. Taking time and forethought into not just what you are reading, but what it is saying." Giving her best stern look, she stares at Angie, the finger now pointing steadily at her. "I'm not going to explain this to you, why I'm happy about the things you've told me. I want you to figure it out. This is important Angie."

"I really don't understand." Her shoulders shrug and she suddenly smiles. "But I'm guessing that I'm not supposed to." She says with a questioning lilt in her voice. "I take it there's a purpose I've yet to see. Either way, thank you. Thank you for listening to me Elise."

"Oh no you don't young lady. I won't accept that dismissive attitude from you." Elise frowns in disapproval.

"But, I'm not! It's not..."

"Ah, ah, ah!" Elise's finger waves in the air, from side to side. "I understand the tone of your voice quite well. Now do as I say, and then analyse my reaction with what you've learned." A small smile graces her lips as she rests her chin in the palm of her hands. "Trust me for just that little bit longer, and I promise it'll all make sense soon."

Angie's mouth starts to open, but before she can say anything her eyes glaze. "I have to go, I'm needed."

"Promise me you'll do as I ask Angie."

"I will Elise, as soon as I have a free moment. After all, you fleshy humans have to sleep." A grin suffuses her face. An almost evil grin, that turns to laughter as her image fades.

Leaning back into the sofa, Elise lets out a sigh. "You can come out now." She calls out into the empty cabin. Kyle's head pokes out from the kitchen area, a bashful grin on his face.

"Thanks for that." His hand rubs at the back of his head, the bashful, awe shucks look morphing into a grin as he walks back into the living room, gracelessly slumping onto the sofa beside her.

"So, why was I pretending you weren't here?"

"She needs to be able to talk openly with you Elise. With me here there's a bloody good chance she would have held back."

"So you heard everything then? You don't seem concerned."

"No more so than you m'dear. You were a bit harsh with her weren't you?"

Her hand whips out, slapping him hard on the arm. "You're one to talk ass wipe. I was what she needed, you're the one whose avoiding her."

"Yes well." His hand returns to his head, once more distractedly rubbing at the back of his head. "I have my reasons."

"So do I."