Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Friday, 17 March 2017

Chapter 4: Elise

Head hung with exhaustion Elise jiggles the baby in her arms as she walks down the long, dark tunnel. The strip lighting does nothing to relieve the view of desolate, blank walls as she follows a stream of people heading in the same direction. Down. Further down into the earth's crust, far enough, she hopes, to avoid the madness outside.

As the tunnel levels out she realizes the crowd of dirt and blood encrusted people are slowing. Tiredly raising her head Elise shuffles forward, the end of her journey near at hand. Soon enough she reaches the end of the tunnel and a gruff man greets her acerbically.  


"Uh, Elise McCormick Sir."  She murmurs timidly.




"Student in animal husbandry and psychology." Elise blushed, then recoiled as the man's hand reaches out for her.

"I need to scan your chip young lady. Now hold out your arm." he huffs.

"Oh!" Blush deepening further, Elise holds out her arm so he can scan her. The machine in his hand beeps and he grunts.

"Highly fertile. Good! we're going to need fertile young women after this cluster fuck!" he lets out a short, rough laugh at the look on her face and shakes his head. "Now Miss McCormick, if you'll just give me the infants details we can get you both on your way. I can see that your chip has nothing on it about having a minor."

"Sh-Sh-She's not my child Sir. Her mother was with me when she got killed. I couldn't just leave her behind to die." Elise shudders and clutches the infant tighter to her chest.

"Very well, medical will be able to do a genetic test to see if she has any family onboard." He looks sternly towards Elise and wags his finger at her. "Mind you take her straight to medical once you're settled in and cleaned up." He clasps a bracelet to her right wrist and it activates with a chime. "Head through the doors and follow the gray line to 3B. Everything's signposted and your bracelet will automatically open the cabin door." He smiles and points towards an arch. "Go on lass, you're safe now. Welcome to the Resolute."


The walk to her cabin passes in a blur. With her mind numb from shock, her body on automatic, Elise jumps letting out a girlish squeak of surprise when a door to the left of her opens silently. Glancing inside to check no one's inside, she hesitantly walks in. 

"Please place the bracelet on the door sensor to register your identity."

Another small squeak issues from Elise as she jumps at the floating voice, head swiveling to look for whoever spoke. Spotting a speaker grill on the wall by the door, she walks over, looking for the sensor she's now supposed to use.

"Uh, so where's this sensor thingy I'm supposed to use." She thinks out loud, not really expecting an answer, so the voice issuing a response to her question makes her heart beat faster, her breath hitch in sudden surprise.

"The sensor is situated underneath the speaker. Please place your wrist against the wall under the speaker and hold for 5 seconds."

Elise mutely follows the instructions, placing her wrist against the wall, just under the grill. A faint white glow starts to emanate from a small square piece of wall as chimes ring out of the speaker.

"Registering Elise McCormick and one minor for this space. The door will now automatically lock whenever it is not in use. If you wish to open the door at any time, simply wave the bracelet over the sensor and the door will activate. This is an automated service. If you have any queries, please direct your question to this grill. Have a nice day."

Elise blinks, mouth ajar as she stares at the wall. "Well. Ok then. That was uh, different." The infant in her arms wriggles and gurgles, catching her attention.

"Okay, little one. Let's get you and I cleaned up. Now, where's the bathroom?"

Looking around at what was to be her living quarters for the next six years, Elise shudders. "I wonder if they'll let me decorate it a bit?" She wonders. The blank walls and floor are so white that she squints in dismay. Her eyes already straining from the extreme lack of colour. The furniture isn't much better. a pale beige sofa and chair, surrounds a small white plastic coffee table. Against the far wall a small desk and computer chair adorn the corner of the room. To the right she can see a small alcove, which she assumes is a kitchen, and to the far left there are two plain doors. Another shudder ripples through her body as she takes in the almost claustrophobic, small living room. "Well, it ain't much; but it's home. Let's go see where door number one leads."

Elise heads towards the nearest door. Seeing no door handle, she wonders how they open. Unsurprisingly, as she approaches it, the door opens with a quiet whoosh. Inside she can see a simple bedroom. A single bed, with a set of drawers and a side table are all that fill the small space. The bed is unmade and the entire area looks sparse and uncomfortable. "Well, I guess there's time yet to make it more homey." Turning, she lets the door close and starts towards the second door.
"Door number two it is! Though how we're supposed to wash without any supplies I do not know! I guess we're roughing this clean up little one."

Elise heads into the bathroom. The small sink and toilet, offsets the wall length shower taking up half of the room.

"Well! That's more like it!" Elise grins and leans over, turning the shower on. Grinning at the prospect of a nice hot shower she's surprised when nothing happens. "Uh. okay this is getting silly now." Turning the knob back to its previous position, she turns towards the sink. "Tap wash it is!" Relief courses through her as clean, pure water runs through the taps.

The babies eyes are wide and curious as she looks up at Elise, her arms waving about in the usual uncoordinated baby style.

"I know little one." She coos. "Not long now. We'll get you all cleaned up and checked out."

It doesn't take long to clean the baby, nor herself. Her over shirt lies forlornly abandoned in a corner, sopping wet. But both child and woman look cleaner and fresher. Centring the baby back in her arms, Elise sighs and heads towards the exit.

"Time to go see if you've any family left little one." Lifting the baby to her face, Elise presses their cheeks together, tears falling unnoticed onto the baby's chest as she whispers. "Don't worry, no matter what you'll always have me." Turning to leave, Elise notices their parka's thrown on the sofa and smiles slightly. 'It's already looking more homely.' She thinks as they exit the front door.

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