Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Chapter 5: Pembrook

Pembrook strides through the arch, the kid still holding tightly to his neck like a monkey. Behind the confident stride of the sergeant streams a small cadre of ragged and worn people. The Sergeants voice booms through the large cavern. "Chief!" The supply Chief looks up from his clipboard and spots the small group. Hurrying forward, the Chief reaches them and stops. His eyes graze the small group of people then turns to Pembrook.

"You're back then." He says. Pembrook inclines his head.

"Sure as there's shit in a pig pen!" He responds, grinning. His white teeth shining like a beacon through his dirt encrusted face.

Shaking his head in disgust the Chief turns back to face the crowd behind him. "Welcome to The Resolute. It'll be tight but we've space for you." The Chief says. Turning to the aide that had followed behind. "Log em and pack em in." Dismissing the small group from his mind he turns back to Pembrook and the small boy still held in his arms. Reaching out, the Chief makes to relieve him of his burden. Pembrook takes a step back, shaking his head.

"That's alright Chief, I'll take him to the med bay. I need to go there anyway before I report to the Captain."

The Chief nods. "Glad to have you back you damn guttersnipe." Pembrook laughs and slaps the Chief on the back, almost sending him sprawling to the hard ground. The Chief grunts and steadies himself. "Get the kid scanned then you're free to head to med bay. Oh and get yourself cleaned up before you meet the Captain. He's waiting for you on the Bridge." The Chief turns and starts to walk away, but suddenly turns back. "Any estimate on how many more refugees I can expect?" He asks.

The glum look on Pembrook's face gave him an answer even before he responded. Shaking his head Pembrook said. "No Chief, I don't think there'll be many more."

A disbelieving look crossed the Chief's face. "But, we've barely had six thousand people show up. Resolute town has over fifty thousand people! Surely it's not that bad out there?" He whispers. The awestruck terror on his face begging Pembrook to say something different.

Laying a hand on the Chief's shoulder, he sighs. "Yes, it's that bad. God done took a heaping big shit on us my dear friend. The town is a wasteland. I went out there with ten men. They were dead in minutes. It's sheer luck that I survived, that and spotting this little fella in the rubble." He rubs the boys back and sighs. "Let's hope it's just our own fair corner of the world being hit."

Grimacing, he turns and walks away.

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