Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Chapter 11: Martinez

The door to the ready room closes and Captain Martinez turns and sets the privacy settings before turning back to Sergeant Pembrook.

"Sit down Sergeant."  Martinez motions to a chair before heading for the drinks dispenser. "Drink?"

"No, thank you Sir." He replies, raising the now cold cup of coffee. "I'm good."

"Very well." Martinez says as he mixes his own drink. Silence reigns as he takes his time adding creamer and sugar. "I wonder Michael, how you thought I'd take you swearing like an old time Maritime Sailor in one of my briefings. That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble one of these days." Turning, he makes his way back to his chair. Leaning back he grins at his old friend. "Actually, hasn't it already gotten you into trouble before?" Sipping at his drink he chuckles. "Remember China?"

Sergeant Pembrook grimaces "Oh please that was just as much your fault as mine Sebastian." Ha says as he sips at the cold coffee. "Blegh. I forgot how rancid cold coffee is." Getting up he refills the mug with hot water. Taking a sip, he sighs. "Better. If I remember it right if you hadn't gotten up on your high horse we could have walked right out of there."

"Walked? Oh really? You can walk on a broken leg now can you?" Captain Martinez asks. "Not to mention it was that mouth of yours that got us into the damn fix in the first place. When are you going to learn that there's a time and a place?" He asks rising to his feet, hands planted on the table as he leans towards Pembrook. "And a god damned meeting full of your superiors is not the time for your brain to short circuit into fucking grunt mode! Do. You. Understand. Me. Sergeant?"

Sergeant Pembrook straightens, his right arm unconsciously half raising to salute. Yes Sir. I'll...Try."

"See that you do Sergeant because our friendship only gets you so much leeway before I throw your irreverent ass in the brig. Dismissed."

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