Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Chapter 13: Elise

Sunday, July 24th. 2050.

Shouts and crashes reverberate through the door to Elise's room causing Baby Lilla to wake and start crying. Lifting the baby from the bassinet, Elise rocks her in her arms. "Now who could be making such a racket? Shall we go see little miss?"
Heading towards the door, Elise presses the opening mechanism. She has only moments to take in the scene of chaos and disorder before a small blur slams into her, little arms wrapping around her. A muffled sound emanating from the region of her waist.

Looking down she sees a young boy clutching her tightly, his face tightly pressed into her.

"Jeremiah come here!"

"I won't! I won't! You can't make me!" The muffled voice shouts from Elise's waist. She can see Dr Lewis storming over to their location, the look on his face so thunderously angry that Elise bursts out laughing. Dr Lewis, so surprised by her outburst, stops in his tracks. Hypo spray hanging limply from his hands he stares at Elise's laughing form. The young boy latched at her waist lifts his head, looking at her curiously. "Are you okay?" He asks, his arms still tightly latched to her.

With tears streaming down her face from the laughter, she starts to hiccup uncontrollably. "I'm sorry hic but the look hic on your face hic." Mindful of Lilla, Elise lifts one hand to wipe away the tears, face still beaming with repressed mirth as the Doctor approaches her.

"Stand still, I'll cure that right up." The boy clutches tighter to Elise, slowly edging his way around her until he's on the opposite side from the Doctor. "Don't let him hurt me." His head peaks around her waist as Doctor Lewis changes out the hypo capsule, pressing it to her arm. "There we go."

"Ah, thanks Doc." She grins, handing him Lilla. Turning her attention to the boy clutched to her. "Hello, Jeremiah isn't it?" She ruffles his honey blonde hair. Loosening his grip she holds his hands, kneeling in front of him. "What's got you so frightened sweetie?" His eyes dart from her to the Doctor then back to her. She giggles and then smiles. "Oh hunny he won't hurt you. He's just a big old teddy bear."

Wide scared eyes stare at her. "But, but, he said he was going to shoot me." He whispers to her, his lower lip starting to tremble. Pulling him into her arms, one hand still stroking his hair, Elise looks mutely up at Doctor Lewis still holding Lilla. The nonplussed look on his face almost drives Elise into paroxysms of laughter again.

"I would never!" He says. "I merely wanted to give the boy a shot of iron. His med scan shows a slight case of Anaemia."

"See! I told you he wants to shoot me!" Jeremiah ducks his head into the crook of Elise's shoulder, wriggling in her arms as though trying to burrow into her body, his slight form trembling in fear.

"Jeremiah?" Elise says in a soft voice to the trembling child in her arms. "Did you see what Doc did to stop my hiccups?" She points to the arm the Doc used the Hypo spray on as he timidly looks at where she's pointing. His head slowly nodding. "That's what he meant sweetheart. He's not going to shoot you. He's just going to prod your arm with his machine. It'll make you feel so much better." She smiles at him, her hand going back to stroke his hair. "If you like you can cuddle me while he does it." Looking at the Doc she grins. "And I'm sure he's got some sweets hidden somewhere. We can tickle him afterwards till he gives up the information." She  grins wider and starts tickling him with her free hand.

Jeremiah giggles, that childish exuberant giggle that only lasts for only a few short years. "I give, I give." he squeals, still giggling. Lightning quick Doc Lewis strikes. In and out before the boy even realizes he's had the shot. Turning, leaving the giggling boy and laughing Elise he excretes a lollipop from his private stash.

"For the bravest boy on the ship." He says, producing the lollipop from behind his back with a flourish. Jeremiah looks at Elise, asking for tacit permission. She nods and he eagerly takes the sweet treat.

"Now Jeremiah, what do you say to Doctor Lewis?" She admonishes as he happily licks the lollipop.

"Thank you for not shooting me Doctor." He says impishly.

Elise lets out an exasperated snort and frowns at the boy in her lap. "Jeremiah! You say thank you right now."

"But I did!" He wines, limpid eyes staring at her defiantly.

"Little boys with no manners don't deserve treats...Hand it over." Holding out her hand, she frowns at Jeremiah, flexing her fingers in a giving motion.

He pouts, and turns to Doctor Lewis. "I'm sorry Sir. Thank you for the lolly."

"You're quite welcome Jeremiah. Why don't you go back to your bed and enjoy your prize." He says. Jeremiah jumps up, giggling as he runs for his bed. Holding out his hand, Doctor Lewis helps Elise to her feet. "I believe this little bundle of gurgling joy is yours m'dear." He says, handing Lilla back to her. "Now, follow me."

Entering her private med room, Elise lays Lilla in her Bassinet and turns to Doctor Lewis. "What's going on Doc. Can I finally get out of here?" She asks curiously as she watches him set the rooms privacy settings.

Ushering her towards the bed, he encourages Elise to sit. "I need to speak with you." He sits next to her on the bed, looking at Lilla in her bassinet. "You were really good with Jeremiah. Would you consider taking on another minor by any chance? Just like with Lilla, he has no family on board. And, it's unlikely we'll find any for him. All of the other unattached children have been situated with either a distant relative or someone of a similar type."

Elise stares at the Doc surprised. "Temporarily, right?" She asks him.

Doctor Lewis squirms on the bed, his gaze remaining on Lilla. "Not, exactly."

"we're leaving aren't we? She asks. Finally looking at her, the Doctors rheumy old eyes twinkle.

He nods. "I knew you were a bright girl Elise. But I never said we were leaving." Holding a finger to his lips he makes a shushing noise.

Taking his cue, Elise changes the subject. "What happens to Jeremiah if I don't take him in?" She asks.

"I've been given permission to set up a bunk like room for the older orphans. All of them are teens, he'd have to go in with them if I can't find anyone else to take him." Sighing, he continues. "I really don't want to do that. There's only one other person the boy seems to have taken to, and he's a member of the ship's crew. I could place him with someone else but given his precocity I really don't think it will work."

As though coming to a decision she nods. "Okay Doc. I'll take him in. He's a sweet child." She smiles. "He reminds me of my brother. I am going to need bigger quarters though. I really can't stay in such small quarters with two small children."

"Of course dear. There are still some family quarters, I'll see to it later today. You should be able to move in tomorrow. It will also allow you some time to bond with Jeremiah." He hugs her tightly. "I know you're alone Elise, and you've taken on a lot of responsibility for a young woman." Moving from the hug, his hands clasping her arms. "I'll always be here for you. I'd like you to consider me like a grandfather. You hear me lass?"

She smiles at him, nodding. "I'd like that." She says.

Pulling her into another hug, he sighs. "You've a strong heart lass."

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