Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Chapter 18: Doctor Lewis

"I'm not sure how they got us out, but by the time I regained consciousness Nigel and I were tied to stretchers in the back of a truck speeding back here." Pembrook sighs, shoulders slumped. "One of my men apparently took charge. He saved us. I about reckon that boy needs a promotion! From what I heard from the medic with us we were a right mess. As to why Nigel chose not to move when he saw me falling towards him, fraid you're gonna haveta ask that numbskull when he wakes up." groaning, he drops his head into his hands. "God, please tell me he's gonna wake up Doc."

Pembrook feels a hand drop onto his shoulder, it's grip tightening just a little. "He's an ornery bastard is our Chief. Almost as much so as you." The Doc chuckles. "I'm certain he'll be fine. Did anyone think to find Bill?"

Pembrook groans again, head whipping upright. "Fuck, Bill! He's gonna fucking kill me!" he tries to jump off the bed and Doctor Lewis presses down against his shoulder. The pain of his still healing injuries obviously still effecting him, he submits to the pressure. "I need to go find him Doc." He pleads.

"We'll find him using the comm system. You are NOT to leave this bed until I tell you to. Understand."

"Yeah Doc. I understand." Shoulders once again slumping in defeat, he turns and lies on the bed. "Go get Bill. He needs to be here for Nigel. I should have called him as soon as we got here."

"Oh for god's sake man!" Doctor Lewis turns, his hands reaching for a hypo spray. "Time to go night, night." He smiles.


Doctor Lewis whips the hypo spray out, plunging it against Pembrook's bare arm. "Good night Sergeant."

"Fucking devious." He yawns, slumping further into the bed. "Doctors." he finishes, sliding into medicated sleep.

Shaking his head, Doctor Lewis makes for the comm unit, tapping into the supply area. "Med bay here."

"What can we do for you Doc? The trucks with the med supplies just arrived. We're unloading them now."

"Yes, yes. That's fine thanks. Can you get Bill on the blower for me please."

"he's already on his way to you Doc. We sent someone to find him as soon as they brought the Chief in. he should be there soon."

"Excellent. Thank you."

"No probs. How is he Doc?"

"Everyone will be notified about his condition later. I need to talk with Bill first."

"Oh, yeah, sure thing Doc."

Doctor Lewis shuts down the comm line just as the door whooshes open. Bill Lowe, the Chief's partner, rushes in face red from exertion. Spotting the Doctor he hurries over, eyes scanning each bed. "Where is he Doc?" he asks, tension and fear visibly evident in his voice.

Leading him to his office, Doctor Lewis points to a chair. "Sit."

"With all respect Doctor. I need to see Nigel." he responds, still huffing as he bounces from foot to foot.

"First, we need to talk. Now, sit. Or do I need to get you a sedative?" he asks, head cocking questioningly.

Grunting, Bill reluctantly seats himself in the chair. "Okay. But please, how is he?" he asks.

"He's alive. We had to induce a medical coma in order to do the surgery." Doctor Lewis walks behind the desk, seating himself in his own chair with a tired sigh. "He was seriously injured Bill. Luckily, with a medic on the team and, from what I heard a very forceful young lad taking charge; they managed to stabilize him enough for transport."

"Doc please!" Bill pleads.

"He's not out of danger yet Bill. There could be complications, but I'm hopeful he'll recover. He's going to be here for a while. He had multiple breaks,  a broken rib pierced one of his lungs. His intestines had several severe ruptures that could still lead to sepsis, even though they've been repaired surgically. And we're going to have to keep a close eye on his spleen. he's been very lucky. A few decades ago, this same situation would have been fatal."

Tears fall silently down Bill's face as he listens to the doctor list the various injuries his husband had suffered. "God."

"As far as we're aware, right now the life threatening injuries have been dealt with. So long as he doesn't go into septic shock he should recover and be back on his feet within weeks. The medical nanites in him are doing a fine job repairing everything. but until he wakes up, we can't be sure there wasn't spinal or nerve damage. We've had to focus on the more immediate threats."

More shudders wrack Bill's body, his arms crossing around his stomach as if in pain. "I. I need to see him Doc." He whispers, the anguish clear in his face.

"I want you to take a few minutes to yourself. Just breathe, wipe your face and when you're calm I'll be waiting just outside the door." the Doctor says softly.

"Thanks Doc." he whispers in a choked voice, tears still streaming down his face. Doctor Lewis stands, one hand going to the man's shoulder in silent support before turning to leave.

A few minutes later the door opens to let Bill out. Looking over at him Doctor Lewis nods. The younger man seems calm enough now. His shock of red hair mussed, blue eyes red from crying. Coming to stand next to the Doctor, Bill nods back. "I'm fine now Doc, thanks."

"We've got him secure in a privacy cubicle." Doctor Lewis responds as he hands Bill a mask. "Wear this. We want to keep as much potential infection from him as we can right now." Donning the masks they enter the room, spraying their hands with disinfectant.

Bill turns reluctantly towards the bed. Spotting the love of his life lying seemingly lifeless on the bed. Walking towards him, he takes one pale, slack hand in his. gripping it gently, he uses the other to tenderly stroke the hair back from Nigel's forehead. The once vibrant man he knew a mere shell of himself. A bag of synth blood slowly drips through an IV, a second clear bag drips slowly through a second. At the side of the bed a screen beeps in time with his heart, the steady sound reassuring Bill as he tenderly strokes Nigel's face.

"Stupid sod." He whispers. "I can't leave you alone for a minute can I?" A single tear falls from his eye, landing on Nigel's forehead.

A hand presses against his should, squeezing in reassurance. "We need to let him rest Bill. You can come back first thing in the morning and spend as long as you want with him."

"Thanks doc." He whispers. Bending, he presses a tender kiss to Nigel's forehead. "See you in the morning love."

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