Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Chapter 15: Kyle

Kyle wanders the decks, his thoughts jumbled. Over the course of the past few days, he'd noticed many people rushing to and fro. Some with grim looks on their faces, poorly concealed. It was a wonder none of the other passengers had noticed. So obviously were their thoughts plastered across their faces and bodies about this situation that Kyle posited their departure to be close at hand. He did not know when or why. Perhaps the meteors had something to do with it, or perhaps the chain of volcanoes was finally set to perform their final crescendo.

He shrugs, almost negligently. It was of no concern to him whatever the cause. Moving slowly along the corridor, he wanders randomly from passageway to passageway. No particular destination in mind as he ponders the situation. Almost distractedly he notices a young woman with the Doctor, a bundle in her arms and a small boy in tow. She seems to be struggling to hold onto the boy's wriggling form. Starting to turn away he catches sight of the young boy escaping. Shrugging, he continues walking.

"Elise! Elise! It's so biiiiiiiig!"

"Come back here right now Jeremiah!" She shouts.

Kyle spins in sudden surprise, staring at the young woman he'd helped days earlier. striding forward, he catches the young boy as he ricochets down the corridor. "Now then young man, didn't Elise just tell you to go back to her?" He carries the squirming child back the way he'd run, depositing him at Elise's feet.

"I believe this belongs to you." he grins.

"Oh, thank you." She replies. A look of relief on her face. She holds out her hand and shakes it at Jeremiah. "C'mere kid." She says.

"Aw do I haveta?" He mopes. Reluctantly taking her hand.

"Yes Jeremiah, you do!" Turning her attention back to Kyle she smiles. "I appreciate you capturing this young ruffian for me." She says. "What's your name?"

"Kyle. It was no trouble. Do you need any help?" He asks. Elise's mouth opens to speak and the Doctors comm chimes.

"Doctor Lewis here."

"You're needed in the med bay, we have a medical emergency." A tinny voice says through the comm unit.

"On my way. Doctor out." Placing the bags he's holding on the deck floor he looks at Elise and Kyle. "Sorry about this. Kyle do you know the way to deck four. They're in cabin four Charlie."

Kyle nods. "Can do Doc." He replies picking up the bags. "This way." he says as the doc rushes off.

Jiggling the baby and holding tightly to Jeremiah's hand as he tries to squirm away, she smiles at Kyle's back. "Thanks for doing this."

He shrugs his shoulders, looking behind him. "Ain't no problem at all Miss."

"Oh, please call me Elise."

"Sure thing. Got your hands pretty full there. They yours?" he asks nonchalantly.

"No. But I am their guardian now. As you heard this wriggly ragamuffin is Jeremiah. The bundle of gurgling happiness in my arms is Lilla."

Kyle stops in front of a door, glancing back at Elise. "This is your room." The door opens as Elise approaches. Kyle's whistle echoing down the corridor. "Nice!"

Elise releases Jeremiah who bolts through the door. "WOW!" His head pops back around the door bobbing excitedly. "Come see! Come see!" Jeremiah's exuberance is infectious and she grins as she enters the room.

"Wow indeed." She whispers. The living room looks about twice the size of her original quarters. A sim window, showing a sunny summer day covers the entire far wall. The open kitchen area is small but spacious, leading from the living space.

Setting down the bags, Kyle circles. "Pretty nice digs you got here." Looking towards Elise he motions to the bags. "What d'ya want me to do with these?" he asks.

"Leave them for now, but could you find a diaper flannel for me please?" Elise asks as she carries a now crying baby to the nearby table. "I do believe Lilla here needs a change." She sighs and smiles down at the little bundle. "I can see I'm going to be doing a lot of washing for the next little while." She laughs and accepts the piece of flannel from Kyle, deftly changing out the soiled one. Wrapping up the offending item she stands, looking around and sighing. "Now where am I supposed to put this?" She asks.

Laughing, Kyle holds out his hand. "Here, give me that." He says. "Follow me. If this room is designed for a family, then there should be a specific compartment in the kitchen designed to clean them for you." Elise picks up Lilla and follows as he walks into the kitchen. "Ah! Here we go." Popping the offending flannel into the receptacle he grins. "No muss, no fuss. Just ah, don't put anything else in there or there'll be trouble."

Jiggling a gurgling Lilla she smiles at Kyle. "Thank you so much!"

"You're quite welcome. I, uh. I should go. Leave you to get settled in."

"Oh. Are you sure you can't stay a while? It's not a problem. I'd, appreciate the adult company!" She smiles shyly, lowering her eyes to look at Lilla. Bouncing her gently in her arms as she starts to fall asleep. "I guess I should find her crib." Looking around her she sighs. "Jeremiah! Grab your bag. I'm sure you know which room is yours by now."

Kyle smiles and settles back against the counter. "How about you get the munchkins sorted and I'll make us a brew. What's your poison?" He asks.

"Coffee please! I need a jolt of energy right now." She laughs as she walks away.

Kyle smiles and turns to make them drinks. Easily finding each item as he quickly and efficiently makes two coffee's. He walks into the living room, setting both mugs on the table and seating himself with a view of the cabin doors. He could see Elise laying the baby into a crib by the side of another bed. A second door opened into a smaller room, the young boy squealing in delight at every new discovery. Chuckling quietly to himself he continues watching. The organized chaos of a small family unit handled with quiet perseverance by such a young woman.

Her lithe body rises from the stoop of laying the baby down, turning and walking towards Jeremiah. "Young man you're making a mess!"

His smile widens as she throws up her hands in defeat. "Fine. Have fun imp." Sighing she walks over and slumps into the sofa opposite him. "Phew. From care free student to single mother of two in a week. Pretty sure I've set some kind of record there." Leaning forward she lifts the remaining mug from the table, saluting him she breathes in the aromatic scent of coffee. "Aaaah. Just what I needed, thank you."

"So they're orphans. They related to you?" Kyle asks her.

"Yes, they're orphans, no, they're not related to me in the slightest. We're not even sure who Lilla is. She's too young for a chip yet." Shrugging she props her feet on the table and grins impishly. "Mother would never let me do this." Her grin falls, face suddenly sombre as she removes her feet from the table.

Kyle leans forward, arms resting on his knees. "I'm sorry Elise." Placing his mug back onto the table he stands, moving to seat himself next to her. Resting his arm around her, he pulls her into his arms. "Now don't go having another breakdown on me." He smiles.

"I'm okay. Honest." With a suddenness that surprises him, she stiffens and turns to face him. "Wait. What?" Her eyes widen. "It was you!" She whispers. "In the corridor. You held me as I cried."

He smiles and shrugs. "I was there, you obviously needed help. I helped. No big."

Reaching up she places her hand against his cheek, the feeling of her soft hand against his skin making his heart beat that little bit faster. "It matters to me." She whispers.

"Elise! Elise!" Jeremiah runs from his room, jumping on her lap. Winding his arms around her neck he snuggles into her as she lowers her hand from Kyle's face.

Laughing she wraps her arms around him. "Hello scamp. What's up now?"

"My new room is awe-awe-great!" Smiling shyly he pecks Elise on the cheek. "Love you."

A lone tear trickles down her face and she smiles at Jeremiah tremulously. "Love you too scamp." Stroking his hair she grins at him. "Why don't you go play scamp. Enjoy your new room."

"Kay." he nods and giggles, jumping from her lap he scampers back to his room.

"Quieter please, Lilla is sleeping."


Kyle watches the exchange, shoulders shaking with silent laughter. "How bout we take our drinks and join him? I'm sure he'd love to show you everything he's found." Rising, he holds out a hand. "Shall we?"

Taking his hand she rises. "Sounds like fun!"

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