Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Chapter 19: Martinez

Tuesday, July 26th. 2050

Captain Martinez strolls into the med bay, taking in the occupied beds. Not spotting the Doctor he enters the office. "Ah Doctor, there you are." Seating himself in the spare chair, elbows resting on his knees as he clasps his hands together, he grimaces. "Fill me in Doc."

"Sir, I thought we had a meeting in your office at 12:00?" Doctor Lewis looks, his demeanour showing pleasant surprise at the Captains arrival in his office.

Martinez shrugs. "I didn't care to wait another four hours to find out how my people are doing." He responds.

Straightening in his own chair, Doctor Lewis nods. "Chief Lowe is stable for the moment. The nanites have fixed his broken bones, the damaged lung and other various minor injuries. Unfortunately we had to take more drastic surgical action with his spleen and intestines. Right now he's being pumped full of antibiotics to forestall septic shock. I'm afraid only time now will tell if he's going to fully recover." He sighs. "I'd say he was idiotic for not moving out of the way of a man falling over fifty feet. But Sergeant Pembrook wouldn't be with us now if he had."

Leaning forward, Captain Martinez places his arms on the desk. "And how is Michael? berating himself I'm sure. But physically?"

"Well. As of an hour ago the nanites have repaired the majority of his injuries. But, as you know the technology is still fairly new, and not designed to treat such severe injuries as Chief Lowe and Sergeant Pembrook received. He is to be off duty for the next week. I don't want him putting any strain on the newly knitted bone." A short, sharp bark of laughter escapes the Doctors mouth. "YOU need to make sure he stays off his feet and resting Sir. I highly doubt I'll be able to keep him resting for longer than today."

Sighing, he leans back into his chair. "You're not wrong there Doc. I'll see to it."

"Good. Because if I see him back in this med bay before his check-up I'll be knocking him out for the entire week! I simply don't have the time or energy to deal with that mans ego."

The Captain laughs and stands. "Oh, he'll behave. I'll leave you to your work Doc, when can the others be released?"

"Carl and Mariah are the only ones still here from the cave site. They're off duty for the next two days and I'm filling out the release papers for them right now."

"Good. I won't be sending any more men out on supply runs Doc. You're going to have to do with what you have. It's too dangerous out there." He shakes his head, a grim look on his face. "Over fifty thousand people in town and we barely have ten percent of them on the ship as survivors." Shaking himself, he stands straighter. "I'll go talk with Pembrook now. Comm me as soon as you have any news about Chief Lowe."

"Yes Sir."

Captain Martinez turns, walking from the office. His confident steps taking him quickly towards the bed where Sergeant Pembrook rests.

"Captain!" He exclaims. Struggling, he lifts himself up into a sitting position, a grimace of pain quickly flashing across his face.

"Good to see you alive Michael, be at ease." Leaning against the edge of the bed, arms folded, he looks at Pembrook. "How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Ready to work Sir!"

"Oh really? Not in any pain are you?" He asks nonchalantly.

"None Sir! Good as new I am. Those nanites kinda rock ass." Michael grins, absently rubbing at his aching ribs.

Martinez shakes his head. "You'll never change. Okay Michael if you can get out of this bed without wincing, give me ten push-ups and ten jumping jacks you can go back to work." He grins and waves one arm towards the floor at the edge of the bed.

Growling Pembrook makes to fling the bedding from his body. The sudden movement causes pain to flair through his ribs and he grimaces, the motion halting in mid action. "Fuck." Hunching forward clutching at his ribs, he grunts again.

"As I thought. You're going to follow Doctor Lewis's orders Michael. Or you're going to spend the next week in the brig." Pushing off the bed, Martinez gently pushes Pembrook back down, covering him with the blanket. "For once in your life Michael pay attention to what I'm saying."

"Fuck this shit. I'm fine dammit." He groans, ignoring the phantom person playing his ribs like a xylophone.

"Sergeant Pembrook!" The Captain barks out. Pembrook stiffens, his attention finally locking on his old friends face. The stern and authoritative look on his face brooking no argument. His friend was gone, and the Captain of the ship stared back at him. "You will do as ordered, or you WILL spend the next two weeks in the brig. Do. You. Understand?"

"But, Doc said I only need to spend a week recuperating, which in doc speak means I'll be fine by tomorrow. Plus it's not like we've got time for me to be playing layabout ragamuffin. I've work to do dammit!" Knowing he's poking the bear, but not being able to help it, the words burst from his mouth.

Martinez sighs and turns for the door. There he pauses, looking back at Pembrook laying in the bed. He speaks one word before turning and walking out of the med bay.


Pembrook slumps in defeat. "Well fuck."

Doctor Lewis rushes out, the noise of the men's raised voices disturbing him. "What on earth is going on out here?"

"Not to worry Doc, the Captain's gone and I've been thoroughly chastised. I'll be a bloody good boy and do as I'm told."

Doc throws his hands up in the air and huffs. "Well hallelujah! It's about bloody time." He responds and turns, striding back into his office.

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