Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Chapter 22: Martinez

The enticing aroma of caffeine drifts through the ready room as his door chimes. Taking a sip, he calls out. "Enter."

Whooshing open, the door show's Bill standing, looking unsure. "You uh, wanted to see me Captain?" He asks uncertainly.

"Come in and help yourself to a cup of coffee Bill."

Taking a seat Bill shakes his head. "If it's alright with you Captain I'll decline. I've already had way too much coffee today."

"Of course." Setting his cup aside he looks Bill over. "Have you slept at all in the last day?"

Shaking his head, tired, red rimmed eyes looking the Captain straight on. "No Sir. I couldn't. I kept thinking I'd wake up and be told that Nigel was..." Clearing his throat he quietens and looks down at his clasped hands.

"I understand Bill. How is he doing?"

"So far, so good Sir. The Doc's keeping him in a medicated coma to help his body heal. And I've been told his body's not showing any signs of infection right now. So that's good."

"Once you leave here Bill, you're to go get some sleep. You'll head straight for your bed and sleep yourself out. That's an order Mister." He accepts Bill's silent nod and continues. "Now, as to why you're here, I'm really sorry to have to do this to you right now Bill. But I need you. While Nigel is out of action I need someone to take over a task for me. Originally we were going to leave the second ship behind, but new information leads me to believe we can outfit it with enough passengers to make it worthwhile taking it with us. Nigel was in the middle of transferring the consumables to this ship. I need you to take charge and return everything back. My XO is going to run the ship and I'll be organising a full crew within the next few days. Task whoever you need to ensure It's fully stocked for the journey."

"Of course Sir. Nigel's going to shit a kitten when he wakes up. He hates me messing with his supplies." He grimaces wryly. "But I'll get the job done." He yawns, his hand swiftly rising in a vain attempt to cover his mouth. "Ooh Sorry about that Sir."

 "Not a problem Bill. Go get some rest. And I mean rest! You can go see Nigel once you've had a solid 7 hours sleep. And THEN you can get on with your work. understood?"

Standing, Bill's hand starts to automatically rise in a salute before he remembers himself. "Yes Sir!"

Laughing, Martinez rises and holds out his hand. "Nigel's having a bad effect on you Bill. Try to remember you're a civvy contractor. Only your husband HAS to salute me."

Grinning in an awe shucks manner, Bill shakes his hand. "Sure thing Boss." Another yawn cracks his jaw and he grimaces.

"Now, off to bed with you. I'll let the Doc know where you are."

"Good night Sir."

"Good night Bill."

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