Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Chapter 14: Elise

Monday, July 25th. 2050.

"Jeremiah!" Elise calls. "Come here!"

The young boy comes running. His arms waving, yodelling yells emitting from his mouth.  "Elise! Elise!"

Sighing in exasperation, Elise shakes her head. "Jeremiah! There are sick people in here. Be a little quieter please."

He stops, a mournful look on his face as he hangs his head. "I'm sorry Elise." Toes scuff the floor as he rubs one foot in an arc in front of him. "I'll be quieterer I promise." He says.

"Oh come here you little scamp." Elise responds laughingly, kneeling and opening her arms. Grinning he runs to her, hugging her as tightly as he can. "So...Have you decided yet young man? Do you want to come live with me and Lilla?"

"You're sure my mummy isn't coming back?" He asks mournfully.

Lifting Jeremiah into her arms, she sits on the nearest chair. Settling him onto her lap, she cuddles him. "I'm sorry sweetie. I wish I could bring her back for you." She says.

"Me too." He whispers. "Will I get my own room?" He asks. His attention already changing from the previous macabre conversation.

Elise laughs. "I think we can arrange that Jeremiah."

"Ok!" He wriggles impatiently. "Can I go play now?" Releasing him from her hold, she nods as he runs off, laughing happily.

"But be quiet!" She says to his retreating back, shaking her head.

Turning, she looks around. Spotting McKenzie at work she strolls over.

"Hi Elise. Got your hands full with that little devil haven't you!" She laughs, looking over her shoulder. "Trust my father to heap responsibility on you." Shaking her head, she turns back to the computer.

"I can handle him." She grins. "I just treat him like my little brother. And Lilla is no problem at all." She clears her throat. "I do have a couple questions though. If you can spare a minute."

McKenzie turns from her work and nods. "Of course, it can wait for a few minutes. What's up?"

"I've asked Jeremiah, but I can't get a straight answer. I'm wondering if you have any idea how old he is."

"Oh. Of course let me check. His chip should have all the details you need about him." Turning back to the computer, she scans for information. "Ah, here it is. It shows him at four years old. I have his birthday here as well. It's next month. August 29th. I'll just change the settings and add you in as his guardian." murmurs ensue as she concentrates. "There. That should do it." Turning again she grins at Elise. "You'll have full access now. At least until he reaches his majority. Good luck!" She looks towards where Jeremiah is running around, arms spread like he's flying, brumming noises emanating from his mouth. She laughs and looks back at Elise. "You're going to need it! Oh the joys of youth. To be able to forget trying times so easily."

"Ah Elise! There you are. I've got quarters set up for you. If you'll gather up the children I'll take you to your new home." Dr Lewis looks around and spots Jeremiah playing. "I'm looking forward to having some peace and quiet in my med bay!" Looking back at Elise's grinning face he makes shooing motions. "Well child! Go gather your things. Or do you want to stay here forever?" He says before moving towards the little boy. "Jeremiah. JEREMIAH!"

"Huh. What?"

"Go get your belongings child. Your new room awaits you."

"Okay!" he responds, running for his bed. Inaudible mutterings can be heard coming from the Doctor as he watches Jeremiah shove clothes haphazardly into a bag. Shaking his head Doctor Lewis turns away to find Elise laughing quietly behind her hand. Shaking his fist at her, he growls. "Away with you misbegotten child!"

She whirls and runs to her cabin, laughing as the Doctor's growls follow her.

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