Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Chapter 24: Bill

Thursday, July 28th. 2050

Bill paces, his eyes constantly flicker towards the father and daughter team working on Nigel; his nervous pacing increasing as monitors beep out of synch.

"Slowly lass, we want the nanites to take their time waking him up."

"I know father. Stop hovering!" She says in exasperation. "Let me do my damned job already. "There. He should be awake in a few minutes." Turning, she waves Bill over. "Sit."

Sitting in the chair, he takes Nigel's hand in his. "Thanks Doc."

Placing a hand on Bill's shoulder, Doctor Lewis smiles. "He'll be groggy as he wakes. No telling him what happened, we'll deal with that later when he's more clear headed. Just tell him he had an accident, but he's better now. After all it's not a lie." The Doctor pauses as Nigel groans. "He'll be in pain when he wakes, and much as I'd love to give him something to reduce it. He needs to know he's hurt so that he doesn't make any sudden movements. Once he's more aware we'll be able to dose him and reduce the pain."

"Not to worry doc. He won't be doing any moving, even if I have to tie him down. Bloody idiot man that he is, he'll likely try and get back to work." He chuckles and strokes the back of the hand he's holding. "I swear he's almost as bad as Michael."

Doc Lewis laughs. "Actually, I'd say he's worse right now, after pulling a stunt like that. Most people would have the sense not to stand straight under a 200lb man falling from a large height."

"True." Bill's attention turns back to Nigel as he groans audibly.

"Ow, fuck. What hit me?" The mumbled, rasping voice of Nigel gasps out.

"Michael did! Nigel, you were seriously injured, the pain you're feeling right now is a side effect of the rapid healing. I need you to be still and calm until I tell you otherwise. Got it?" Doctor Lewis says as he runs a scanner along Nigel's body.

"Fuck, sure thing doc. Don't think I could move even if I wanted to." His head turns, eyes slowly opening as he tightens his grip on the hand holding his. "Hey love."

"Fucking moronic idiot!" Bill growls.

"Ouch. Don't hold back love." Nigel says, grinning. "Fuck, even my face hurts."

"Well of course it does you bloody idiot! Don't do that to me again, you hear me?"

"Sure thing love." he says, tightening his grip again on Bill's hand. "So, what the fuck happened to me?" His head turns slowly back to the doc. "Wait, did you say Michael hit me?"

"That's right, from about 50 feet up a cliff wall."

"I, don't remember." His free hand rises to his head, rubbing at his temple. "Why don't I remember doc?"

"I'd guess that would be because you were mostly dead for most of it. The brain can kind of be a bitch to heal."

"Ouch doc, nice bed manner you got there." Nigel winces.

"I've had to deal with Michael's stubbornness, I'm not dealing with yours too."

"Uhm doc?" Bill asks, a surprised look on his face. "I thought we weren't going to uh..." He trails off, seeing the expression on the doctors face.

"No, I told you not to. For this very reason. I wanted to make damn well sure he knows how close he came to dying." Turning back to Nigel with a grim expression he continues. "You're hurting so much because we had to operate on you Nigel. Your internal injuries were so severe I had to fall back on the old procedures. Do you understand?"

"Not entirely." his gruff voice responds. "Exactly what did I do to cause such anger in you?" He asks.

"Uhm maybe I should answer that one doc." Bill asks.

"Go ahead. I'll leave you both in peace. I've activated the nanites to produce pain killer. The pain won't go, but it will reduce." He points at Nigel. "YOU are to remain still and calm for at least the next week. If you need to piss or shit, you tell us and we help you. You are NOT to sit up, you will remain in that bed, in a supine position until I tell you that you can move."

"Yes doctor." Nigel responds meekly, sharing a shocked look with Bill.

Doctor Lewis walks away, arm around his daughter, leaving the two men alone. "I've never seen doc act like that before. Was it really that bad?" Nigel asks. Bill nods, a tear falling onto their joined hands.

"There now love. Whatever happened I'm sure I had my reasons."

"Oh, you did you silly sod. And Michael's alive now because of you. But that was the stupidest thing you've ever done."

"Well then. Guess that fools rubbing off on me. Now, can you please explain what happened and why the doc seems so damned mad at me please?"

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