Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Chapter 34: Angie

"What is going on here?" Doctor Lewis demands angrily.  "Who's been treating this child so despicably Captain?"

Entering the room, Captain Martinez approaches the desk and frowns as he looks at the Doctor. "I have Doc." He says.

A low growl emits from the Docs throat as he stands. "I can't believe that Captain. You're the most fair minded and level headed man I've ever had the privilege to know and work with. What is going on here?"

"Captain, Angie seems to be suffering from a severe case of identity crisis. You wouldn't normally see this severe of a case in a very well spoken and coherent adult. I don't entirely understand what's happening here but this young woman needs therapy." Shaking her head, Elise stands and looks towards Angie with love and compassion brimming from her eyes. "I'm here for you Angie."

A cleared throat draws everyone's attention back to the Captain, and the sudden look of discomfort on his face. "I'd have to say that Angie seemed like a reasonably well adjusted young woman given her past, I'm afraid I really am the reason she's having these issues. I asked her to meet with both of you for a very specific purpose, and gave her leeway on how she chose to express herself. Which was very important." Clearing his throat again, he looks at the two people in front of him and their confused expressions, a little sheepishly, he continues. "I judged her, harshly. And recent information has come to light that necessitated this meeting between the three of you. Now I'm going to ask you a couple of questions and I want an honest answer from you both before I tell you why."

Both Elise and Doctor Lewis silently nod in assent. Grim, angry looks belying their silence with unspoken recriminations.

"Firstly, I'd like to know what you think about her mental health please Elise."

Folding her arms as a barrier, Elise clears her throat. "I'm not an expert in the field by any means, however, what training I have indicates to me that despite her experiences and her tendency to blame herself for the faults of others." She says, glaring at the Captain. "She is surprisingly well balanced, mentally speaking. She has a good understanding of what is happening to her, and is able to articulate her issues in a clear and concise manner. All in all, I'd say with a little therapy she'd be as healthy, mentally speaking as you or I." She stops, pausing for a moment before starting again. "Well maybe not you Captain. I'm afraid I'm questioning your mental health right about now." She finally blurts out, her anger radiating in almost visible waves from her rigid body.

"Yes, well." Captain Martinez grumbles, his gaze shifting from the obviously irate girl. "Let's move on shall we." He says, turning to look at the Doctor. "Doctor, in your opinion does this woman show signs of sentience and sapience to you?" He asks hesitantly.

"What hell on earth have I fallen into?" What kind of stupid moronic question is that!?" He bursts out angrily.

"Just, answer the question Doctor. Please."

Shaking his head emphatically, the Doctor growls. "I will not answer such a demeaning and rotten question Captain."

Captain Martinez glances towards Kyle and they both nod. "That's answer enough Doctor, thank you." Turning to look down at Angie, he smiles. "This next part is up to you Angie, it's your choice. I'm not going to force you into this. I have the answers I need to make an informed decision now. And I'm sorry, truly sorry for how I've treated you."

Angie turns her head, raising it to look up at the Captain, a wide smile breaking across her face. "Thank you Captain, that means a lot to me." Turning back to face Elise and Doctor Lewis, she takes a deep breath. "Please sit down. I need to explain some things to you that you may not like. Please, listen and try not to judge me too harshly before I've finished explaining."

"On that note, I'm going to leave Kyle here. I have to get back to running this rust bucket. You know where I'll be if you need me. Oh and Kyle. Do it."

A look of surprise ripples across Kyle's face. "Are you certain Captain. once done it cannot be undone."

Resting a hand on Kyle's shoulder, Captain Martinez glances at Angie, then back to Kyle. "I'm sure Kyle. Do it."

"Yes Sir!" He responds, a huge grin splitting his face as Captain Martinez exits.

"Thanks to Kyle, I have knowledge and understanding that I didn't already have. Before today, my past, who I really was, was a blank. but Kyle allowed me access to those files and now I know who I am." Turning her head to face Kyle, she smiles shyly. "Kyle is my brother. When Kyle was a small child, I was his older sister. but I got sick, modern medicine had no cure for what ailed me. In fact they didn't even know what was wrong with me. Over a few years I deteriorated so badly that our father decided to have my brain scanned in minute detail. I, am a result of that scan. Angela Samuels died twelve years ago. But I survived her."

"Father created an artificial brain with the exact synaptic and neural function of Angela. And created me. For all intents and purposes I am an Artificial intelligence, but with a human brain made of synthetic material." Both Elise and Doctor Lewis start in their seats, mixed expressions of shock and surprise blending across their faces as Angie continues. "I won't blame you if you hate me now." She whispers, lowering her head in order to avoid the looks of horror and disgust she expects to see.

"I see." Doctor Lewis whispers. "After the Adam incident, I understand now why the Captain reacted the way he did. But, Angie." He says quietly. "Please look at me Angie." Slowly, her head lifts as if with a will of its own. The tears shimmering in her eyes threatening to fall. "Angie, I was there. I lost a son to Adam. I met Adam. You are not Adam, and I am not so idiotic to think that your father would be so incompetent as to recreate that insanity." His hand reaches out as if to touch her, frustration showing as his fingers pass through her image. "Oh! What I wouldn't give to be able to hug you right now child."

The damn breaks, and Angie clasps her head in her hands, covering her face as the tears finally start to fall. Sobs wracking her body as an outpouring of relief engulfs her. "Thank you Doctor Lewis. Thank you." She whispers.

Kyle's gaze flicks to Elise and he smiles when he sees an almost amused look upon her face. Noticing, she responds by putting out her tongue. "Hey, don't look at me. I never experienced Adam except through old stories. What do I care if she's not got living flesh? It's the brain and what's in it that matters."

She shrugs, once more sticking her tongue out and looking cross eyed at Kyle as he startles into laughter.

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