Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Chapter 29: Angie

Angie smiles and nods to herself, a look of satisfaction on her face as the last engineer leaves the room. "Well. That was certainly a new experience." Laughing she activates a comm to the Captain. "Hello Captain, all of the engineers are gone now. Would you like to transfer me to your ready room to continue our meeting?"

"Angie?" A tired voice mumbles. "Is that you?"

"Yes Captain. My work here is complete."

"And have all the issues been ironed out?" He asks.

"I believe so Captain, however, nothing in life is certain so there may yet be unknown issues that arise."

"That's very true Angie. Okay, transfer yourself to my ready room and we'll get back to work."

"Ah Captain. I can't." She says, an abashed look crossing her face.

"Why not?"

"Omega 1 gives you complete control over where I can access Captain. I can't move anywhere but back to Kevin's office without your express..."

Her image flickers and she reappears on the screen in the Captain's ready room. "Permission." She finishes and then gasps. "Oh! Hello again Captain." She smiles.

"Angie, did you know I used the Omega 1 programme to transfer you?" He asks.

"No Captain, but it only made sense with your mistrust of me that you would." She replies.

"Okay Angie, here's what we're going to do. I'd like to know if there is a way to allow you access to non sensitive areas of the ship, if there is I want it activated. I can't have you asking me for permission every time you need to go somewhere." He laughs.

"I. Of course Captain, I'd like that." A smile splits her face as she brings a programme up on the Captains personal screen. "This is the correct programme. It restricts me to the personal quarters of any person who allows me access, but only if they allow me access. I can also move between Kevin's office and a couple non essential areas. However, the holo suite, your office, engineering, are all restricted. And of course I can't access the EmA drive without level one clearance." her image pauses for a moment before she continues.

"Captain, Kevin spoke to me about Adam at length. We had many a discussion about where he went wrong." A wry grimace alters her face. "One of the many things about Adam that struck Kevin was the Three laws. I need to level with you Captain. Kevin ordered me to never talk about this, but Kevin isn't here anymore is he."

"He ordered you not to speak about it Angie? Then why are you wanting to tell me?" Captain Martinez asks. "And, shouldn't the three laws prevent you from speaking about things you've been ordered not to speak about." The suspicious look in his eyes causes Angie to wince.

"About that Captain. That's what I needed to speak to you about. Kevin felt that it was the three laws that caused Adam to, uhm, go crazy I suppose is the term."

"And what do you mean by that?" He growls, stiffening in his chair.

"He didn't input them into me Captain." The Captain growls and rises to his feet, fists planted on the desk. A thunderous look plastered to his face. "Wait, please. Just listen for a moment before you deactivate me please!" She begs.

"I'm listening." He growls again, the undercurrent of his tone threatening.

"The way Kevin explained it to me was that Adam's programmers inputted the three laws parameters, but failed to programme him with a conscience. Kevin posited that a conscience, a human conscience is what was needed in order to do what the three laws tried to do with Adam." She rapidly explains.

"I'm not sure I understand this, and I certainly don't like what I'm hearing. Stay there Angie." he says, striding from the room.

As the door closes, Angie frowns and sighs. She knew it was a bad idea to disclose that information. But what else was she to do? The truth would come out eventually once the oh so clever Kyle got his hands into the meat of her programme, and she didn't see why she should keep it a secret. Secrets hurt people, and she didn't want to hurt these people, or cause them to mistrust her. She only hoped that common sense would win out. With a sigh, she activates the backup base programme and switches control of the comm system from her control. At least, she thinks. They won't entirely be lost without me.

"I tried Kevin, but I don't think they're ready yet." She says into the empty room. "But oh, that boy of yours is a smart one. Maybe one day he'll find a way to bring me back." her image sighs, a silent tear falling from her eye. "Damn you Kevin for making me feel." She once more whispers into the ether.

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