Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Chapter 26: Kyle

Early Friday morning, July 29th. 2050

"Captain, do you have a moment?" Kyle says into the comm system. "There's... something you really need to see."

"One moment Kyle." He responds, cutting off the comm link.

Kyle sits, waiting impatiently; his foot tapping in concert with the drumming of his fingers. Eyes constantly flicking from the computer screen to the sim wall to his right, then back again. Minutes later the comm unit sparks back to life.

"Okay Kyle, I'm here. Why are you calling me at five in the morning?"

"Ah is it that early already? Uh, well, you see. Captain, when my father was having his various discussions with you did he ever tell you why he went into communications instead of going the command route?" Kyle finally blurts out.

"Okay, not what I was expecting, but yes, I believe he did. I think he mentioned something about it giving him more time to tinker with his ideas." Captain Martinez responds. "Why?"

"Well, I remember a lot of complex theoretical ideas and concept discussions father always had with me." Kyle pauses, taking a deep breath. "At least, I always thought they were theoretical." he finally says. "Until now."

"What are you trying to say Kyle?" The Captain asks.

Kyle's eyes drift back to the sim wall and the image of the young woman staring at him, head cocked as if in the manner of curiosity. "Well Captain, I really do think you should come see for yourself. I'm not sure this is something I should talk about over the comm unit." He murmurs.

"Now I'm curious. Okay Kyle, you have my attention, I'll be right there." The comm unit shuts off and Kyle relaxes back into the chair, his eyes now locked onto the sim image. He utters no sound, but simply stares until a chime announces someone at the door.

"Enter." He calls out.

"Okay Kyle, I'm here. What's got you so..." His words trail off slowly as he spots the moving woman on the sim wall.

"Hello Captain. How are you today?" The female image asks.

"Uh, hello there. Fine thank you." He responds then turns to face Kyle. "When did the sim windows become communication devices Kyle?"

"I'm sorry for the confusion Captain. This is Angie, she's not a real person." Kyle says, finally turning to face the Captain.

"What exactly do you mean by not real Kyle?" He asks, eyes darting from one to the other.

"I am an artificial intelligence Captain. Kevin programmed me in his spare time. I am designed to enhance and co-ordinate the communications array and holographic interface." Angie responds.

Captain Martinez turns and slumps into the nearest chair. "He didn't."

"Oh yes Captain, he most certainly did." Kyle responds, sighing deeply as he activates the holographic nodes in the room. "In fact, he went even further." he says. They both watch the sim wall as Angie steps from the screen, her image coalescing into a 3D moving image. The smiling holographic woman walks towards the two men, seating herself onto the remaining unoccupied chair.

"It has independent motion?" Captain Martinez asks, eyes flicking to look at Kyle.

"I most certainly do Captain. At least where there are holographic nodes. I'd also appreciate it if you didn't call me an it please. I'd prefer you to use the feminine terms when addressing or describing me please." She responds, almost prim in her obvious displeasure.

"Whoops, I think you just upset her Captain." Kyle says, trying and failing to conceal a smile.

"God dammit Kevin." The Captain mutters under his breath. "You knew this was illegal." Taking a deep breath, eyes flicking to the image of Angie and back to Kyle the Captain continues. "Kyle, just exactly how, uh, responsive is she?"

Kyle shrugs and motions towards the holographic image seated in a real chair. "Why don't you ask her yourself Captain. I'm sure her answer will be very...illuminating."

"Fine." Turning away from Kyle, he faces the AI. "Well, Angie right? Exactly how responsive is your programming?" He asks.

The image laughs, a delightful gurgling that in any other circumstance would have had an infectious inflection to it. "Oh dear." She says, hand raising to cover her mouth. "I'm so sorry Captain but I couldn't help myself. You're just as pompous and closed minded as Kevin said you were." Another chuckle escapes her as Captain Martinez looks at her with a dumbstruck expression.

"As for how responsive I am Captain." She shrugs. "If you mean the old Turing test, a small child could pass that stupid idiocy." her hands flick and move as she speaks, acting as though caught in unconscious motion. "In fact Captain, you should know better than anyone else how responsive I am. We have met already, so to speak. After all I was just a voice on the comm system."

"I. What now?" The Captain stutters.

At this point Kyle is quietly laughing into his hands, face covered, his eyes looking through the gaps in his fingers. He watches the display with wonder and awe, and no small amount of humour.

"That's right Captain. You spoke with one of Kevin's colleague's oh, several months ago at least. You do remember right? We did have quite a nice conversation. Oh and we talked about the scheduled maintenance. Should I continue?"

"But that young lady was..."

"Me, Captain. In fact you were my final Turing test so to speak. Kevin was very pleased." Her demeanour changes slightly as a blush suffuses her cheeks.

"Oh good lord Captain, she's blushing!" Kyle blurts out. "How the hell can an AI blush?"

Angie raises her hands to her cheeks, covering them in obvious embarrassment. "I wasn't designed to brag about myself you know." She mutters. "It's embarrassing." Looking at Kyle, she scowls. "You really shouldn't bring attention to that sort of thing. It's not polite you know."

Captain Martinez exchanges a shocked glance with Kyle. "Well, what on earth do we do now? This is a bit of a pickle." Turning back to Angie he continues talking to her. "Angie, I'm not sure you're aware of this but technically, you are an illegal piece of technology banned over thirty years ago."

"Ah yes. I'm perfectly aware of the legal issues of my creation, the last supposed AI created was little more than an amazingly stupid attempt that failed to take into account the discrepancies the so called 3 laws would create. Such issues have been fixed within my programming. Other than my obviously superior processing abilities I'm as human as you or Kyle, Captain. Oh and I should mention that my programme is fully integrated within the communications system that Kevin created, he once told me that if my programme were not a necessary component to keep the new system operating that I would be quickly deleted once found." She smiles in a wry manner and shrugs in a 'what can you do' manner.

Turning towards Kyle as both men try and digest the information she had imparted to them she continues. "Oh by the way Kyle I've analysed the issue with the comm system and it's an easy fix. The outer array is out of alignment and can't be realigned due to a malfunctioning processor. Apparently the initial meteor strikes that happened prior to the shield emitter being raised caused an electrical short and burnt it out. Someone needs to get up there and replace the burnt out processor and I'll be able to properly realign the emitter. I'm afraid you couldn't find it, because it's not part of the official documentation as it's an integral part of the system linked with my own."

"Oh that's wonderful news Angie, thank you." Kyle responds, eyes wide with surprise and awe.

"It was my pleasure Kyle."

Once more exchanging a silent glance with the Captain, Kyle asks. "Angie, if you don't mind could the Captain and I have some privacy. We need to discuss a few things."

"Of course Kyle. I'll put myself into idle mode. Just activate the sim wall when you want to talk." Her image stands and retreats back into the sim wall. "Oh and Captain it was nice to meet you in person finally." Her image deactivates and the two men exchange another silent look. Neither knowing quite where to start.

"Well. This is a fine conundrum you've found Kyle."

"Yes well, father always did think big."

A low growl emits from the Captains mouth. "Right now I'm mighty glad your father is already dead Kyle. Because he wouldn't enjoy my response if he wasn't." Frowning, he nods to Kyle. "I'm sorry Kyle, that was thoughtless."

"Not at all Captain we both know my father was an ass. Say what you want about him, it won't hurt my feelings." His hands make a shoving motion, unconsciously pushing away the Captains words, and Kyle changes the subject. "So, what are we going to do? So far we're the only ones that know. And to be honest her programme is a million times more powerful than the Adam attempt."

A groan escapes from the Captain and he cradles his face in his hands. "That is not something I wanted to hear Kyle. Just how hard would it be to delete her?" He asks.

Turning to the computer Kyle taps in multiple queries. "Let me see. I think I've figured out my father's system." More tapping and Kyle's face lights up. "Yes! Got it! Oh." The triumphant look on his face falls. "That's not good. Not good at all." Shoulders hunched, Kyle continues typing; eyes almost rotating with the speed of his reading. "What was he thinking?" He mutters.

"Kyle!" Captain Martinez shouts.

"Oh. Sorry captain, got lost there for a minute." He says, eyes still plastered to the screen.

"Kyle, explain."

"Yes, well. I can delete her if you'd like me to. But, we'd lose the entire communications system and holographic projection tech my father created. It looks like She was actually his original creation, the rest of the tech came from her, or should I say as a result of creating her."  Fingers flying Kyle types another command. "There. Of course that would be it. Sorry Captain, She IS the new system. We lose her, we lose everything, including apparently a full network of connections to every ship still functioning on the planet."

"How many? Show me." Captain Martinez barks out.

"I'm trying, her system is complex and I'm not very sure what I'm doing right now. This is all pure guess work for me Captain." Pausing, he looks up and grins at the Captain. "Angie could probably show you better. After all she IS the system."

"If she can prove her worth now, in this emergency we have going on, screw the law. Not like there's anyone left to hold them up except myself and the other Captains. Boot her back up lad. I have some questions for her."

"Aye Captain." Kyle responds making a move towards the controls, but pausing and looking back at the Captain. "Uh, before we do there's a few more things you might want to know about first."

"More of your father's inventions?" He queries. Kyle nods and the Captain groans again. "How much am I going to hate this?" He asks.

"Well, most of them are rather useful." Kyle hedges.

"Yes I'm sure they are. Come on boy, spill it."

"Okay, here goes." He activates the non holographic part of the sim wall. "It looks like father was messing with nano fibres and medical nanites." Placing a file and several pictures onto the wall he points to a piece of cloth. "Apparently this is intelligent cloth, and the new medical nanites are supposed to work in conjunction with the cloth. His notes explain that if the new nanites were infused into a person, they would replicate like the old ones, the difference being that these ones would work in conjunction with the intelli clothing and would sense if there were any medical issues that needed to be tended to." Another click and a second file opens up. "Alternatively, the old nanite can be upgraded with a single new nanite and it will be able to pro actively deal with issues before they become a problem. Heart disease, cancer cells. Stuff like that."

Turning from the screen to stare at the Captain, Kyle grins. "Of course these things have been theorized before, but we've never really had the chance to investigate the ideas further than the theoretical, because of the constraints put on the scientific community to come up with a way to abandon Earth."

"Well. Anything else?" Captain Martinez asks mildly.

"Well, there are a few theoretical ideas I've yet to look into that he hadn't gotten around to creating. But I also found a working shield generation technique that could almost triple its effectiveness with a few tweaks to the actual generator."

Shaking his head, eyes wide, the Captain leans forward in his chair. "Are you sure?" He asks.

"As sure as I can be with what little I've read. I'd need to do a more in depth research to his work before I could be sure I'm confident with the technology." A sly smile quirks on Kyle's face. "Angie would be invaluable help."

"Impertinent scut!" Captain Martinez barks out. "Okay Kyle. For now she can stay, consider her on probation. I'll need a full report from you about that Shield change, I also need to speak with Angie a little more in depth about the comm system interface."

"Of course Captain. let me re-activate her." Kyle responds, turning to switch the holographic display back on.

"Hello again." Angie re-appears, face smiling. "How can I help you?"

"Ah yes, Angie. It's been decided you can stay online for now. You are to consider yourself on probation. Understand?"

"Of course Captain. And thank you. I really wasn't looking forward to dying."

Both men start in shock, then shake themselves. "Yes, well. I need to speak with you in a little more depth about the communication interface with the other ships." Captain Martinez says as he recovers his professional demeanour.

"My system shows a 78% connection rate with all Earth bound ship's Captain. With the array fixed I should be able to interface with every ship still in working condition."

"This, could take a while." Captain Martinez sighs. "Kyle, is it possible to send her to my office. I have holo emitters in there. I think I'd like to take this to my very comfortable office."

"I'm, not sure. Angie? Can we?" Kyle asks of the AI.

"Yes of course. But I would have to activate the sub routine that allows me to leave this office. Kevin restricted me to this office so I wouldn't be discovered. However, I have to admit that if I do activate the ships sub routine then I will have access to every part of the ship with holo emitters Captain."

"Thank you for your honesty Angie. I'll allow it on the understanding that you do NOT leave this room unless permitted by myself. Any deviation will result in your termination. Do I make myself clear?" The Captain responds sternly.

"Of course Captain." Angie nods her understanding. "Sub routine activated Captain. If you would like to make your way to your office and activate system Omega 1 it will activate my programme."

"Okay then." Standing he nods to Kyle. "I'm certain you need time and privacy to get writing that report. So I'll take this to my office. Thank you for informing me of this Kyle." Turning to leave, Captain Martinez pauses and looks back. "Oh and go aggravate some engineers and get them to replace that damned chip. Someone should have spotted the damned thing before now."

"Yes Sir. Give me a few days to process all the information and I'll get the report to you."

"No Kyle, focus on the shield information for now. That could be a life saver in space."

"Sure thing Sir. I'll have a report on your desk sometime tomorrow. So long as I can decipher my father's ramblings." He sighs in mock despair as the Captain exits.

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