Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Chapter 28: Pembrook

Friday Afternoon, July 29th. 2050

Pembrook yawns and stretches as he wakes, wincing slightly at the still uncomfortable sensation of newly healed bones aching with each movement. A low groan slips from his mouth as he continues to stretch and yawn. "Fucking moronic nanites." He mutters.

"Blaming the nanites for your troubles now huh?" A raspy voice calls out to his left.

Turning his head slowly to avoid the pain, Pembrook opens his eyes to see who had spoken. His eyes latch onto the supine form of his best friend. "Nigel!" Trying to sit up, his face winces in pain and he gives up as a huge grin plasters across his face. "Good to see you bud."

Nigel lets out a small chuckle at the look on Michael's face. "Well what did you expect. You really think your skinny ass could hurt me?"

"Fucking moron." Pembrook mutters under his breath. "Why didn't you move?"

"What, and miss the show? How else was I going to get you on top of me?" Nigel chuckles again, his hand going to his stomach as he cringes from the pain.

"Fucking perverted hentai bastard." Pembrook grins at Nigel. "It's good to see you man."

The door to the med bay opens as each man grins at the other in silent friendship. Bill, walking into the room notices and smiles. "So you're both awake now huh. Oi Pembrook you ass, how's the ribs?"

"Bill! Hi there, uh, they're fine, a bit sore but fine." Pembrook automatically tenses as Bill moves closer and bends over his bed with a grim look on his face.

"Be more careful next time asshole!" he whispers as he leans closer. "I nearly lost both of you!" A smile breaks across his face and he kisses Pembrook on the forehead like a child. "I'm glad you're okay Michael. I'll consider beating your ass when you're feeling better." Another grin creases Bill's face as he pats Michael's cheek and turns to the other bed, planting a tender kiss on Nigel's lips. "Morning love." He says huskily. "How are you feeling today?"

Smiling back, Nigel raises his hand to cup Bill's face. "I'm good love. A little sore, but otherwise pretty good. Happy to be alive."

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed Bill turns to view both bed bound men. "So uh, I spoke to the Captain and he wants me to re supply the Condor." Bill says, looking down at their clasped hands in avoidance.

"What!? But I JUST finished unloading that fucking ship." Shaking Bill's hand to get his attention, Nigel looks at him questioningly. "Why is he getting you to do that Bill?" He asks.

"Well, apparently we're going to be bringing it with us now. He didn't really explain what happened, just apologized for asking me to be away from you, but that it needed to be done soonest." He sighs and finally looks at Nigel. "But that also means I'm not going to be able to visit as much as I'd like Love."

Smiling reassuringly, Nigel tightens his grip on Bill's hand. "It's okay love. At least it'll be you restocking. Have you got my supply notes?" He asks.

"Of course I do. I don't want you to kill me if I do it wrong." He smiles and chuckles, his eyes flicking towards his comm band. "Dammit, I'm going to be late. I need to go brief your men love. I've two days to get everything back in place." Leaning down he kisses Nigel and rises from the bed. Turning back towards Michael, he waves a finger at him. "No hitting on my husband Michael."

"Sure thing Bill. I'm too tired and sore anyway."

A laughing Bill walks away shaking his head and muttering under his breath. "You two behave." He calls back as he exits and the two bed bound men turn to each other smiling.

"We've gotta behave Nigel."
"We've been told Michael. Now be good and let me sleep!"

Both men grin at each other like fools and relax back onto their respective beds, the relief of the moment overcoming their fear as they both drift off to sleep.

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