Web Fiction Guide (online novels, reviews)

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Chapter 31: Martinez

Martinez sits, pondering one of life's conundrums. When is a life alive and conscious? What denotes a soul? Watching the computer screen, his mind whirls. Angie's image shows as he re-watches the last few hours of conversation. Her face seems so expressive, but was it true feelings or simply artifice? Could he really afford to trust the Angie AI when humanities last hope lay in reaching their new star system.

But if she was legit, if she was what she explained, could he really deny the colony ships such an opportunity for increased survival? The questions race around his mind in ever increasing circles. 

The sudden chime of the comm system startles him out of his reverie. "Yes?"

"I've e-mailed the shield changes to you Captain, they're awaiting your approval. All going well they should take about 12 hours to fully implement." Kyle speaks briskly.

"Thank you Kyle. I'll review them now." Captain Martinez responds.

"Of course Captain. Engineering is awaiting your call before making any changes." The comm call ends abruptly and Captain Martinez stares at his arm, blinking in surprise.

"That young man is as volatile as his father!" Chuckling to himself, Martinez opens the file. "Bad enough I had to manage his father, now I've got both his son and his damned creation mad at me!" He mutters into the still room.

A flash of memory impinges upon his concentration as he recalls Angie's indignant response to being called an it. "By the Gods I think she's mad at me! She's acting just like my bloody ex wife used to when she got mad at me." Mouth agape, he stares at the blank Sim window in shock before shaking his head. "Bloody women!" He mutters, as his eyes scan the shield changes proposed. Shaking his head at his inability to concentrate, Martinez rises and calls Commander Moore.

"How can I help you Captain?" The Commander asks.

"I need you to check something out for me. I've had someone working on the shield emitter. The only issue is, I don't understand a word of the report. It needs my go ahead to make the changes and I'd like your input on it first, seeing as you'll be making the changes." Captain Martinez responds.

"And just who might I ask was working on this Captain? I can't in right mind authorize any work on the shield if I don't trust whoever is suggesting the changes." The Commander replies.

"Commander, this is on a need to know basis. Would you question Houston?"

"Well, no Sir, of course not."

"Then why are you questioning me?" He asks. "Just look at the damned work and tell me what you think."

"Of course Sir. Send the file and I'll look it over. But fair warning Captain, if I think it has even the smallest chance of negatively affecting the shield I won't authorize the changes."

"I understand Commander and I won't ask you to. I just need someone who understands this gobbledegook."

A laughing voice sounds over the comm. "Well if you're calling it that, then you really do need to send me the information Sir." Another laughs sounds. "I promise to give it my full attention."

Smiling, Captain Martinez sits back down and sends the file to the Commander. "It should be in your inbox now."

"Got it Captain. Ah, give me a minute and I'll have a quick look." Commander Moore says.

"I want you to take more than a quick look at it Commander."

"Ah yes, hmm, mmm no that can't...Ah I see." Random mutters and exclamations sound out from the comm unit and Captain Martinez chuckles.

"Commander. COMMANDER!"

"What? Oh, Captain are you still here?" The Commander responds distractedly.

"Yes Commander, I am." He laughs.

"Sorry Sir, I got distracted, this is fascinating stuff. I'll need some time to review it."

Captain Martinez checks his time piece and sighs. "You have 23 hours to review and implement it, if you deem it worthy of implementing."


"We launch in 24 hours Commander. I need any upgrades completed at least an hour before launch."

"Dammit! Is it that time already? I've my work cut out, I've got to go if I'm going to read through this and get everything done in time. I'll call you as soon as I decide it's feasibility Captain."

"Commander, I'm going to pre-empt you and authorize the changes. If you deem it feasible, implement it and inform me when it's complete. My source tells me it should take about 12 hours to make the necessary changes. Good luck Commander."

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